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Siromus 1mg Tablet


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Ad Description

After the transplant of any organ, the body takes time to accept it. But if it rejects, for that, Siromus 1mg tablet is used to prevent rejection of a kidney transplant.

Some details of Siromus tablet -

Manufactured by - Zydus Biogen
Composition - Sirolimus 1 mg
Packing - Pack of 6 Tablets

What is the mechanism behind it?

Siromus contains Sirolimus, an immunosuppressant that inhibits the body's immune system so that the transplanted organ can be accepted. This drug is taken in conjunction with other medications.

How much does Siromus 1mg cost and Where to order it?

Siromus 1 mg price may differ on the different websites if you check. If you want to buy Siromus 1mg at the lowest price, then check out the price on Drugssquare and order online. This medication is only available with a valid doctor's prescription. There are other brands of Sirolimus tablet. 

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