Industrial Laser Thermometer LCD -50°c - 380°c

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Ad Description
- The Thermometer can be used for obtaining accurate temperatures instantly without having to contact the object being measured.
- It works by capturing and measuring the invisible infrared energy naturally emitted from all objects.
- It offers an easy and safe method to instantly measure surface temperatures of objects which are difficult or unsafe to contact.
- The thermometer has a rugged, ergonomic design and features a backlit LCD display with built-in laser sighting.
- It has a measurement range of -32 Deg to 380Degrees (26 Fto +716 F) and utilizes a switchable on/off laser pointer for target location.
- Ideal for General Construction, Electrical, HVAC, Food service, Home Inspection, Plant Operations and Automotive applications.
- Temperature Range: -32°C~+380°C/-26 °F ~ +716°F
- Response Time Wavelength: 500ms (8-14)um
- Accuracy: ±2% or 2°C
- Repeatability: ±1% or ±1°C
- Resolution: 0.1 °C or 0.1°F
- Emissivity: 0.95
- Product size: 5 x 2.8 x 6 cm
- Product weight: 54.7 g
- Package size: 8.8 x 4 x 13 cm
- Package weight: 116.7 g
- Industrial Laser Thermometer LCD -50°c - 380°c
USER INFO: / (02) 945-2568,(02) 414-3972
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